NOVELL TECHNICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENT TITLE: NetWare Navigator 3.0 - TSA Changes DOCUMENT ID: TID400009 DOCUMENT REVISION: D DATE: 20APRIL95 ALERT STATUS: Yellow INFORMATION TYPE: Symptom Solution README FOR: NA NOVELL PRODUCT and VERSION: NetWare Navigator 3.0 ABSTRACT: This document describes the modifications that must be made to NetWare Navigator 3.0 to upgrade to the latest Target Service Agents (TSAs) provided in the new SMS modules (Storage Management Services) version 4.03 (dated October 6, 1994.) First follow the steps listed in SMSUP3.TXT. Note that you must copy the appropriate DOS or OS/2 client files to their NetWare Navigator installed locations. Remember to delete the older versions of those files whose names were changed (TSA_SMS.COM or TSA_OS2.EXE). Then proceed with the following update. ------------------------------------------------------------------ DISCLAIMER THE ORIGIN OF THIS INFORMATION MAY BE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL TO NOVELL. NOVELL MAKES EVERY EFFORT WITHIN ITS MEANS TO VERIFY THIS INFORMATION. HOWEVER, THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY. NOVELL MAKES NO EXPLICIT OR IMPLIED CLAIMS TO THE VALIDITY OF THIS INFORMATION. ------------------------------------------------------------------ SYMPTOM When using NetWare Navigator and loading the new Target Service Agents (TSAs) when the older TSAs have already been loaded, or if loading the old TSAs when the new TSAs have already been loaded, any combination of the following error messages may be displayed at the system console: - Symbol already defined: xxxxxxxxxx - Load file defines a public variable that has already been defined. - Public variables exported by this auto load file have already been defined. - Modules xxxxx.NLM NOT loaded. - TSASMS already loaded at the workstation. CAUSE The TSAs (Target Service Agents), provided by SMS (Storage Management Services), that NetWare Navigator uses to perform Push distributions to workstations have been updated. These TSAs are included in various Novell products. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF SMS MODULES AFFECTING NETWARE NAVIGATOR File Size Date Time TSASMS.COM 19546 02-06-95 4:13p TSAOS2.EXE 88576 02-06-95 5:24p TSAOS2.HLP 2175 01-22-93 9:46a TSAPROXY.NLM 10088 01-05-95 3:52p (replaces TSAOS2.NLM) TSADOS.NLM 85953 02-06-95 4:06p SOLUTION Replace the NetWare Navigator TSAs with the new TSAs. To use the new TSAs, make the following modifications to the NetWare Navigator environment settings. Client Settings: A. To modify all the NetWare Navigator DOS and MS Windows client workstations that have the new SMS modules, perform the following steps: 1. Open the AUTOEXEC.BAT file located at the root of the boot drive. 2. Edit the line reading "C:\NETNAV\TSA_SMS.COM" to read: C:\NETNAV\TSASMS.COM 3. Save the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The modifications will be in effect the next time the workstation reboots. B. To modify all OS/2 client workstations that are connected to Staging Servers that have the new SMS modules, perform the following steps: 1. Open the STARTUP.CMD file located on the root of the boot drive. 2. Edit the line reading "START C:\NETNAV2\TSA_OS2.EXE" to read: START C:\NETNAV2\TSAOS2.EXE 3. Save the STARTUP.CMD file. The modifications will be effective the next time the workstation reboots. 4. Rename C:\TSA_OS2.CFG to C:\TSAOS2.CFG Server Settings: A. To modify all Staging Servers (including the Distribution/ Staging Server) that have the new SMS modules, perform the following steps: 1. Open the NWSDRUN.NCF file located at SYS:SYSTEM. 2. Edit the line reading "LOAD TSA_OS2" or LOAD TSA0S2 to read: LOAD TSAPROXY 3. Edit the line reading "LOAD TSA_DOS" to read: LOAD TSADOS 4. Save the NWSDRUN.NCF. The modifications will be in effect the next time the server reboots. B. To modify all Staging Servers (including the Distribution/ Staging Server) that have the new SMS modules so that all future client workstations will use the new SMS modules, perform the following steps: 1. Open the NNWSNLM.BAT file located in the NetWare Navigator DOS and MS Windows User directory. Example: VOL:NETNAV\USER 2. Edit the line reading "COPY ..\CODE\TSA_SMS.COM %NETNAV%\ *.* > NUL:" to read: COPY ..\CODE\TSASMS.COM %NETNAV%\*.* > NUL: 3. Edit the line reading "ECHO %NETNAV%\TSA_SMS.COM (and so forth)" to read: ECHO %NETNAV%\TSASMS.COM (and so forth) 4. Save the NNWSNLM.BAT file. 5. Open the NNWSNLM.CMD file located in the NetWare Navigator OS/2 User directory. Example: VOL:NETNAV\OS2USER 6. Edit the two lines reading "ECHO START %NETNAV%\TSA_OS2.EXE>> (and so forth)" to read: ECHO START %NETNAV%\TSAOS2.EXE (and so forth) 7. Edit the four lines reading "ECHO WSName %1> %1\TSA_OS2.CFG ECHO ServerName %2>> %1\TSA_OS2.CFG ECHO UserName SUPERVISOR NWSD>> %1\TSA_OS2.CFG ECHO AutoRegister ON>> %1\TSA_OS2.CFG" to read: "ECHO WSName %1> %1\TSAOS2.CFG ECHO ServerName %2>> %1\TSAOS2.CFG ECHO UserName SUPERVISOR NWSD>> %1\TSAOS2.CFG ECHO AutoRegister ON>> %1\TSAOS2.CFG" 8. Save the NNWSNLM.CMD file. 9. Open the NNWINST.CMD file located in the NetWare Navigator OS/2 User directory. Example: VOL:NETNAV\OS2USER 10.Edit the four lines reading "ECHO WSName %1> %1\TSA_OS2.CFG ECHO ServerName %2>> %1\TSA_OS2.CFG ECHO UserName SUPERVISOR NWSD>> %1\TSA_OS2.CFG ECHO AutoRegister ON>> %1\TSA_OS2.CFG" to read: "ECHO WSName %1> %1\TSAOS2.CFG ECHO ServerName %2>> %1\TSAOS2.CFG ECHO UserName SUPERVISOR NWSD>> %1\TSAOS2.CFG ECHO AutoRegister ON>> %1\TSAOS2.CFG" 11.Save the NNWINST.CMD file. 12.Copy the new TSASMS.COM file to the NetWare Navigator DOS and MS Windows Code directory. Example: VOL:\NETNAV\CODE 13.Update the NNCLIENT.ZIP file in the NetWare Navigator OS/2 User directory (VOL:NETNAV\OS2USER) to include the new TSAOS2.EXE and Help files as shown in the following example: Example: - copy TSAOS2.EXE \netnav\os2user - copy TSAOS2.HLP \netnav\os2user - \netnav\code\pkzip -d \netnav\os2user\ \netnav\os2user\TSA_OS2.EXE - \netnav\code\pkzip -d \netnav\os2user\ \netnav\os2user\TSA_OS2.HLP - \netnav\code\pkzip -a \netnav\os2user\ \netnav\os2user\TSAOS2.EXE - \netnav\code\pkzip -a \netnav\os2user\ \netnav\ os2user\TSAOS2.HLP NOTE: To update all future Staging Servers to use the new TSAs, install the server with NetWare Navigator, then perform the steps previously described. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Any trademarks referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult your product manuals for complete trademark information. ----------------------------------------------------------------